If you’re a brand looking to get your conversions up, TikTok UGC might just be what you need.
TikTok, at the time of its launch, was the breeding ground for trendy lip-syncing short-form videos. A lot has changed since then, and the platform is now one of the top choices for brands that want to advertise their products.
TikTok is now one of the top social media platforms that have made the most revenue from ads, with the numbers looking so strong to go higher in the coming years.
And that’s where the magical opportunity takes form. A blend of TikTok and UGC is everything that an eCommerce business would need to reach more people and get more sales.
Let’s get into more detail…
What Is TikTok UGC?
UGC basically means User Generated Content. These are content created by users about their experience with something. It could be about a brand, a product, a service, etc.
User-generated content can be in any form - text, images, videos, etc. As long as it’s created by a user of a product or service, it qualifies as UGC.
TikTok UGC is basically such UGC content made specifically for TikTok. Since the platform is driven by videos, the UGC we use here will also be in video format.
Why Is TikTok UGC Important for eCommerce?
TikTok and video UGC make a great pair. Combine them for your brand and you have a deadly marketing technique at your disposal.
Apart from that, UGC has a pretty great track record compared to other marketing materials. It sounds pretty wild, but a whopping 70% of consumers trust UGC over traditional brand advertisements.
And, when it comes to eCommerce, people have to buy stuff online without being able to touch and feel their product. This makes them skeptical of buying from any eCommerce business.
But with UGC, when potential customers see others vouching for a product they’ve used, it easily lifts the skepticism.
Those are two pretty good reasons why you should be marketing your eCommerce business with TikTok UGC.
Top 3 Benefits of TikTok UGC
Using UGC on TikTok has a lot of benefits. But there are three of them that stand out the most, and that’s what we’ll cover in this section.
For a lot of eCommerce brands, these three benefits are all they need to revolutionize their marketing efforts.
As a marketing agency, we’ve seen the potential of UGC up close. Ad campaigns with UGC just convert a lot better than normal, and we constantly hit the KPIs without too much effort.
As one of the best TikTok marketing agencies, we’re currently open to helping a few more eCommerce businesses with their marketing efforts on TikTok. If you’re interested, book a FREE 30-minute growth session with us to discover how we can help you.
We only work with select brands at a time, so make sure you put in your application before we're at our full capacity.
1. Authenticity
First and foremost is authenticity. UGC ads are created by actual users, not brands themselves. This authenticity can enhance trust and credibility among potential customers who view the ad.
Consumers often trust peer recommendations more than traditional advertising messages.
2. Cost-Effective
I don’t want to mislead you, but there are ways you can create and use UGC at a cheaper cost.
This can be done by leveraging content created by your own customers. You can ask your existing customers to produce content about their experience with your product or service, and then use that content for promotion if the creators allow you to.
This can significantly reduce advertising costs while still generating effective marketing material.
3. Relevance
UGC ads often reflect real-world use cases and experiences of customers, making them more relevant to potential buyers. This relevance can help drive conversions by showcasing how others have successfully used the product or service.
How To Get UGC for TikTok
There are multiple ways to go about this. How you want to get UGC depends on what your position is as a brand.
Budget and time are two important factors to consider when you set out to source UGC. I’ll take you through the options below, but it’s up to you to figure out what’s most suitable for your brand.
1. Through Customers
As I already mentioned, you can ask your existing customers if they’d be willing to create content about your product or service for promotional purposes.
This is a cost-effective way to get UGC.
2. Freelancing and UGC Platforms
Your next option will be to use freelancing platforms or tools created specifically for UGC videos. Upwork and Fiverr are two of the most popular freelancing platforms to find UGC creators. You can also look into UGC-centric sites like Billo and Insense.
Sites like these are a great option, but they’re guaranteed to take away too much of your precious time. Finding creators and getting content from them is a hefty process, so we don’t always recommend this option for brands that do not have too much time to spare.
3. UGC Agencies
Agencies are the best bet if you do not want to spend too much time on this. They’ll take care of everything from start to finish.
We’re one of the best TikTok UGC agencies for eCommerce. We take care of everything, including:
Searching and finding creators
And launching.
Basically, zero headache for you.
In case you feel like working with us, start by booking your FREE 30-minute discovery call right away!
That’s it about TikTok UGC and how it can 2x your conversions. For eCommerce businesses, combining TikTok and UGC offers a deadline marketing technique that can boost sales like a rocket!
When used correctly, it can be a cost-effective yet highly profitable marketing strategy.
Good luck!